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The history of the bird flu. And similar viruses could be the greatest warning we need to take a potential bird flu pandemic seriously. If the current strain of avian influenza mutates to a human to human bird flu history suggests tens of millions of people could die. And the only practical every day precaution effective at preventing a repeat of the dreadful bird flu history of the past could be effective hand hygiene. Bird flu history goes back to the early 1900s.
If you want to know how to prevent bird flu. The biggest secret to avoiding this deadly virus will surprise you. Healthy strategies for bird flu. With health authorities predicting a bird flu pandemic understanding and applying these methods could save thousands even millions of lives. It could even save your life or the life of someone close to you.
In Vietnam the brother of a 47 year old man who died of the bird flu in Hanoi has been confirmed with the H5N1 bird flu virus. He had no contact with chickens and was NOT living near any bird flu outbreaks in poultry. Although this case is considered highly likely to be human to human transmission of the bird flu virus there is still room for doubt.
Aired by ABC on May 9th 2006 is a depiction of what is likely to happen if the current bird flu mutates to a fast spreading human to human virus. But how accurate is this bird flu movie? How are health authorities reacting to a movie that depicts a possible bird flu pandemic they have so far only warned about? Health Writer Andrew Cavanagh.
Could be as simple as bowing instead of shaking hands. Japan never suffered an outbreak of SARS despite being surrounded by countries where outbreaks occurred. Hand hygiene is also promoted heavily in kindergarten and schools across Japan. Bird Flu Protection FREE Audio.
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